Want to play?
Performing at Peppard
Do you have new songs or arrangements to try, a new line up for your group, a trial combo, want to gain stage experience or simply entertain people with live acoustic music?
This is an 'unplugged' community event; we have no sound system and limited power points. When playing from the stage, the acoustics in the hall are good. . . but, by arrangement, we are pragmatic, and you may bring small portable amps in cases such as for looping, acoustic bass, electric piano etc. Acts perform from the spot lit stage (see photo).
Light buffet
Buffet: we ask performers for £3 (cash) contribution (as opposed to £6 for others) as refreshments and food are included as part of the evening - cheaper than the price of a pint and more of it!
Raffle: we have a raffle !
Our normal format
The normal format is seven or eight pre-booked, 15 minute slots, often with a longer 'feature' act to close the evening. Spare slots, if any, are allocated on the evening . . . but that is very rare! The attentive audience (no background chatter!) is seated 'cabaret' style, around small candle-lit tables. We have a capacity of about 75 and usually run with about 45 to 50 in the audience.
Merch and videos: you may photo and video your set and sell your CDs and other merch etc etc.
Requesting a slot
To request a slot, send an email (see contact page or the page banner). You'll receive an acknowledgement. Then, a week or so before the event you'll get an email confirming you have a slot and providing you with detailed information
Importantly, bring your friends and supporters! Keep music alive in our village halls, whilst making sure they don't fall down (the halls, that is - not the friends)!
Performers should be there before 7:15pm, so we can settle your gear in the green room, confirm the running order and get things started on time. The music starts at 7:30pm prompt, and normally finishes at about 10:30pm . . but we occasionally go on a bit later! Touring acts can stay overnight in their camper vans by special arrangement.
Directions to the Hall are on our Contacts page.
Any questions? send an email (see Contacts page).